Saturday, February 16, 2013

Marlie's Sweet Shoppe

 We celebrated Marlie Grace's first birthday this weekend with our friends and family at Marlie's Sweet Shoppe.  We had so much fun and were so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends on MG's special day.  I think every child got their sugar fill!  You are VERY welcome parents!  ;)
Marlie's Sweet Shoppe is OPEN for business
I was obsessed with these bubbles, so cute!

Loved, loved, loved her amazing cake!  I am so impressed by other people's talents!

Madie said the bounce house was "AH-Mazing!" Ha!

Best attempt at a family photo.  Sigh.
My favorite girls!  :)

Sweet Hadley!  We will be celebrating with her too soon!

My little Ms.Chevious.  She cracks me up!
Cooper and Madie played solid!  They must have jumped for three straight hours!


Little Payton.  How I love this little girl!  SO cute!
All this is for me??!!!
Mimi and all her little ones!
Hadley and Marlie Grace found their own fun!

 What is on my shirt??
Lunch at the kid table.  

Rather we admit it or not I am pretty sure every adult was in the bounce house at some time!
I am pretty sure Smash Cake time was Marlie's favorite part of the whole party!!


 Damage done!
The kiddos were super excited to visit the sweet shoppe!  How cute is Layla?

Cooper and Madie were hiding their bags.  I think they were sure one of us were going to discover all they had!  Ha!

 Party Pooped!

What a great day!  Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us.  One year went by WAY too fast!