Today is a very, very special day. Today is the day all little girls get to celebrate one of the most important men in their lives, their daddy! I know how amazing it is to be Daddy's little girl, it is something you know you can always come back to and will never outgrow. Daddys are there to make sure you know how to not be TOO girlie, but make sure all the boys respect you like a girl. They can make you feel like a precious commodity but bring you back to earth when work needs to be done. Daddys teach you how to drive (sorry about running into that creek bed, learned a cuss word that day too), throw a baseball, shag balls (ha!), ride a horse or a pump jack, and work hard. They treat you a little different than the boys, but that is because you deserve to be treated a little special, you are Daddy's little girl after all. I have been so blessed to have such a strong and loving man as my Daddy, he is the first man I ever loved. And now I get to watch the other man in my life walk that same walk with my sweet Madie. I know he will teach her to grill a mean steak, wet a hook and probably knock around a golf ball or two. I look forward to seeing her enjoy a relationship that is like no other, she's got a good one!
We shopped and shopped for just the perfect 1st Father's Day gift, they were both worn out!

But here it is................. now he can cook his own Father's Day meal! Ha!

Madie cooked breakfast and got all dressed up in her special Father's Day Texas Rangers outfit!

Happy Father's Day!