Sunday, July 1, 2012

5 Months Old!

My Marlie Grace is 5 months old!  Wow!  What a fun 5 months it has been.  Marlie is definitely coming into her own and it cracks me up to hear her talk.  She loves to hear her own voice and smiles the entire time.  It's like she really is contributing to the conversation.  Marlie is rolling all over the place and if you put her down and turn your back she is in an entirely new position.  I have no doubt she is ready to go!  She and Madie have really started interacting and that is so much fun to watch.  Madie thinks Marlie is adorable and still calls her sweet little girl and my sister.  :)  They laugh at each other a lot!  Mike and I know our lives are going to be filled with sweet little girl laughter for years to come.  Marlie loves, loves, loves her food.  Anytime you get her spoon and bowl out she starts going crazy.  She is the messiest eater I have ever seen!  I think she may get that from me.  ;).  Right now we have only tried avocado but she cannot seem to get enough of it.  She still gets up once in the night but is really easy to get back down.  She has finally started staying up a bit later which is nice.  For a while she could barely keep her eyes open as soon as we got home from work. I love being able to spend time with her in the evenings.  She loves playing with her blocks and snail and loves to look in the mirror.  She has gotten really good at traveling and even has been out to eat several times without a meltdown yet!  Ha!  What a fun ride, we love you Marlie Gracie girl.  So very, very happy you are my baby girl!

You can tell Marlie is really trying to grab things these days!

 Sister Love
 Look Mom, I am no where near where you put me!  Ha!
Goofy happy baby girl!

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